Friday, March 13, 2020

Integrated Circuits

Ordinary circuits are made of resistors, capacitors, diodes, inductors and transistors. In normal way all these components are connected together on a printed circuit board or some other way together and soldering is performed to make reliable connection between devices. Such circuits are large and heavy n weight. The equivalent to ordinary circuits is Integrated circuit or IC. In integrated circuit such components like resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes and transistors are constructed on a silicon wafer and the assembly is known as silicon chip or integrated circuit.

Integrated circuit

 Over 50,000 transistors can be combined on a small chip like ¼ inch size. Now a days ultra-supper large scale integration is made in microprocessors technology and trillions of transistors are fabricated on very small chip. These chips are commonly used in computers and mobile phones.
Photographical reproduction techniques are used to create integrated circuits or IC. In this technique circuit pattern of requirement is photographed on a silicon wafer. In such technique large size drawing of a circuit is reduced to very small size to fit it into a silicon ship. The final reduced photograph is used as mask. Then semiconductor materials of N type and P type are deposited onto an insulated substrate to construct the circuit. The mask is placed over the substrate and the components are constructed by aching technique. The entire process of integrated circuit production takes hundreds of steps. One wafer contains thousands of integrated circuit devices which a are fabricated once. All could not be used, some portion of them become destroyed in the fabrication process. Latter leads are connected to each integrated circuit chip and pack in suitable packaging.
The small size and large scale integration made the integrated circuit suitable to fit everywhere. They are used almost everywhere in our daily life. Today life without IC is nearly impossible. Everyone everywhere uses integrated circuit in daily life in some way. They are there in cellphones, tv, automotive, kitchen appliances, computers, watches, clocks and everywhere.

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