Friday, March 13, 2020

Electrical Wiring Schematic Diagrams

Wiring diagrams and schematics are very important for electrical system repair and maintenance. Electrical wiring diagrams and schematics are showing the actual electrical devices and items connections and cabling through symbols. For any electrical system the wiring diagram have great importance. Electrical diagrams and schematics shows the circuit interconnections, devices locations, power and ground locations and different connectors details and locations and pin designations. These diagrams are showing interconnection of different circuits also. They show details of powers and ground connections. In a vehicle on kind of power is not used. There are controlled and uncontrolled power connections are provided from battery. Drawings show the wire color codes also. Different function wire use different wire colors. Such color coding is mentioned there by colors or by writing. All this information is very important for service technician and service engineer.
Sometimes electrical wiring diagram explains special information on some part or circuit. Every time electrical circuit diagram doesn’t explain the function and working principle of a circuit. In this case technician and engineer knowledge and understanding come true. Without electricity understanding and knowledge of circuits, one cannot troubleshoot and repair with the help of electrical circuit schematics.
There are two types of circuit diagram in common use. One is the detailed wiring diagram and the other is the block diagram. The detailed wiring diagram is showing all details of wiring from point to point. The other type is block diagram. The block diagram shows one line detail of the system. Block diagrams are important to understand the boundaries and scope of the circuit and functionality of the circuit.
Electrical circuit diagrams and schematics are long enough that the entire circuit diagram cannot be covered on a single page. So the circuit diagram and schematics are split in systems and circuit. So each system and circuit is explained on one page. Even one circuit could be explained on several pages. There are references given on each page to give easy understanding of interconnections of wires on different pages.
In electrical circuit diagram and schematics wires are crossing to each other. Sometimes a semi-circle type shape is used to show insulated crossing of wires. In other diagrams and schematics don’t show the semi-circle shape instead they just cross each other. A bold dot is used where there is connection between wires. This practice used in complex and more populated circuit diagrams.
Wiring diagrams are usually showing the interconnection of systems. They don’t show the internal circuitry of modules and computers. Modules and computer diagrams are manufacturers confidential secrete which they don’t share normally. Sometimes engineers and technicians make their diagrams and internal details.

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