Sunday, March 15, 2020

Electrical Short Answers Questions for job interview

1. Define how we can find the wire size by knowing the American wire gauge AWG and matric methods.
Answer: There are two standards for wire gauge. American Wire Gauge AWG and Standard Wire Gauge SWG or matric. These standards define wires according to their diameter. They give numbers to different diameter of wires. The bigger the number, the lesser the diameter of wire. For example wire gauge 12 wire would be thicker than wire gauge no.22.
1.       What is component locator and why it is used.
Answer: Component locator is information detail for a certain system and it shows the physical location of the different components used in that system.
2.       Define how the wire resistance is affected by temperature.
Answer: with the increase in temperature the resistance of a wire also increased. This is known as positive temperature coefficient. Some materials resistance decreases with the increase in temperature.
3.       Describe the three factors affecting the wire size.
Answer: they are a. length of the wire. B. vibration the wire will be exposed to. C. the temperature of wire.
4.       Why printed circuit boards are used.
Answer: printed circuit board give ease of circuit design. It simplify the circuit wiring. With the printed circuit board mass production is easy.
5.       Describe the use of single strand wire and mutlistanded wire.
Answer: Single strand wire is used where is less current flow and the wire is not subjected to substantial vibration. Whereas the mulistanded wire is used where there is a huge current flow through wire and flexibility is required and where there is vibration.
6.       Why circuit diagrams are used.
Answer: circuit diagrams are very useful and powerful tools for service engineer and for service technician as they provide help locating wiring interconnections between components and also they provides details of powers and grounds.
7.       What is simple and complex wiring harness
Answer: Simple wiring harness serves single or less circuits. Complex wire harness serves for several circuits.

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